Includes 2 DVDs, 1) “Dealing with Bullies” and 2) “Life Lessons”


Includes 2 DVDs, 1) “Dealing with Bullies” and 2) “Life Lessons”… 110 photos and stories told by dogs!


Our 2 DVD set contains, “Dealing with Bullies” and “Life Lessons.

The Dealing with Bullies DVD include over 50 stories on how the dog dealt with not so nice dogs. The dogs share stories about their human brothers and sisters and how they dealt with unhappy not so nice kids.

Our Life Lessons DVD includes over 50 stories. The dogs share information about being kind, considerate, and responsible.

Here are a few of the many questions raised in our stories, which can help your child have a better life.

  • Do you know anyone who gets teased for being different? How do you think they feel?
  • Do you worry whether someone likes you or not?
  • What would you do if kids were bullying you?
  • Are you caring of other people’s feelings?
  • Are you careful not to interrupt and hear what others are saying?

We are all about making the world a better place — one kid and one animal at a time.

Our motto is: “Treat ALL people and ALL animals exactly how YOU want to be treated. Kindness is Cool!

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